We work with you to develop the skills
and initiative to be sucessful in today's
care industry


Welcome to Approved Care Training

Approved Care Training is a uniquely innovative, flexible, approved, low cost way to deliver mandatory and non-mandatory health and social care training, 24/7, 365 days a year.

What makes us truly unique, different and one of the most used care training company's on the internet?            
Keep track of your learning

Managers can keep track of their trainees through an online interface and retrieve learning logs for any staff member.

Free certificate with every course

On completing each course, you will receive a certificate showing your test score to show which courses you have taken and completed.

On-going learning and development

Figuring out when care workers should refresh their knowledge and skills can be a challenge. This is why at Approved Care Training, we have produced management tool to assist how this could be effectively achieved by monitoring each individual care workers’ log-in within the company.

Key benefits of Approved Care Training

> Flexibility

> Cost effectiveness

> Develops and tests knowledge and tracks results

> Learning in own time/convenience

> Learning at a time and pace that suits learner

> You can complete courses almost anywhere